In 2021,Japan increased space security investment in high-frontier security fields such as space,cyberspace and electromagnetic spectrum,adjusted the construction of key space matters,issued a new version of the cyberspace security strategy report,strengthened and improved the system construction and security capability construction in high frontier fields and enhanced cross-domain combat capability,with the aim to safeguard and expand Japan’s high-frontier security interests. Currently,the development of Japan’s high-frontier security strategy reflects its relationship with economic security,emphasizes security cooperation with allies and partners such as the U.S.,EU,NATO and India,attaches importance to the coordination among government,enterprises and research institutes and highlights the public-private cooperation. Japan’s high frontier security strategy will enhance its military capability and offensive tendency in new fields. With the further deepening of Japan-U.S. high-frontier security cooperation,Japan will still play a more important role in the overseas military operations of the U.S.. The competitiveness and aggressiveness of Japan in strengthening its high-frontier security pose negative impact on the regional security and should be vigilant.