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热词推荐: 能源基础设施

BRICS:Towards Multi-polarity and Global Governance


We have witnessed the world moving away from unipolarity to bipolarity and now to multipolarity. The US is not declining;however,its clout is fading away as other countries such as China and India are rising. The multipolarity is reflected not only in the emerging economies but also in the organizations formed by the states and also those by the non state actors. The heterogeneous multipolarity has called for a structural change.Various scholars have tried to find out answers to these structural changes. Samuel Huntington(1999:35)has coined the notion of uni-multipolar structure with the US in the core and various other countries extending diplomatic,economic and military support for its initiatives. Some of its representations have been obvious in the invasion of Iraq,Afghanistan,imposition of ‘no fly zone’ in Libya,and its involvement in Syria. Such a structural arrangement is unsustainable in long term,the Libyan and Syrian crises are demonstrative of this. With Donald Trump at the white house,the fissures between the US and its allies are too obvious and the inward thinking of the Trumps shows that the US as well as its allies will remains non-committal on shaping the future of global order. Richard Haass(2008:44)has argued that ‘nonpolarity’ is the answer,where a dozens of countries could have the capability of ‘exercising different powers.’ Giovanni Grevi(2009:9)on the other hand argues that the world is becoming increasingly “interpolar” which is “multipolarity in the age of interdependence.” He puts the state at the centre,however,agrees that non state actors could inflict a severe blow on the system. The 9.11 and 26.11 terror strikes in the US and India are pointer to the capabilities acquired by the non-state actors and their disastrous consequences. Whatever may be the acronym all is a pointer to mutilaterism in the age of global interdependence. Multilaterism or multi-multilateralism is not necessarily an ultimate solution to bilateral or multilateral problem,however,is extremely important for conflict resolutions and enhancing understanding and cooperation among the nations,the BRICS is just an example of that. The grouping accounts for 22% of the world economy,19% of the global trade,and contributes more than 50% to the world’s economic growth. However,if we analyze China’s GDP,it is bigger than the GDP of the rest 4,and its contribution to world economy is over 33%.


We have witnessed the world moving away from unipolarity to bipolarity and now to multipolarity. The US is not declining;however,its clout is fading away as other countries such as China and India are rising. The multipolarity is reflected not only in the emerging economies but also in the organizations formed by the states and also those by the non state actors. The heterogeneous multipolarity has called for a structural change.
Bali Ram Deepak:Professor,Center of Chinese and Southeast Asian Studies,Jawaharlal Nehru University,India