Dual-Track Drive of Trading and Hu...
Reviewing the ancient Silk Road and looking at the Silk Road today,the ancient Silk Road was never exclusive and enclosed,but inclusive and open;the construction of the Silk Road today should also be like this. At present,various projects of Silk Road intersect a lot with numerous points of common interest. We can seek for the maximized intersection of the various versions of it through various platforms and exchange mechanisms.It is the strategy of our nation in implementing the new round of opening up to promote the construction of the contemporary Silk Road. By summing up the historical experience and synthesizing the current international environment,the construction of the Silk Road needs to take the path of pragmatic cooperation,follow the guidance of the government and the decisions of the market,allow the enterprises to be the principal part,let economic and trading cooperation to be the forerunner,and connect the modern Silk Road in the grand area.
Reviewing the ancient Silk Road and looking at the Silk Road today,the ancient Silk Road was never exclusive and enclosed,but inclusive and open;the construction of the Silk Road today should also be like this. At present,various projects of Silk Road intersect a lot with numerous points of common interest. We can seek for the maximized intersection of the various versions of it through various platforms and exchange mechanisms. It is the strategy of our nation in implementing the new round of opening up to promote the construction of the contemporary Silk Road. By summing up the historical experience and synthesizing the current international environment,the construction of the Silk Road needs to take the path of pragmatic cooperation,follow the guidance of the government and the decisions of the market,allow the enterprises to be the principal part,let economic and trading cooperation to be the forerunner,and connect the modern Silk Road in the grand area.
Yang Zhengwei:Director-general,the Center for Development Strategy and Public Policy,the National Academy of Gouernance