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热词推荐: 能源基础设施

提升江苏沿海地区海洋文化影响力 发展海洋文化产业的路径研究




As the importance of the ocean has been widely recognized,especially after the strategy of “maritime power” was put forward,the study of Maritime culture has gradually become a hot topic. Culture is closely related to the trend of the state at the important historical juncture in China,which is the important strength of national survival and development. The coastal areas of Jiangsu should face up to the gap with the advanced cities in maritime culture construction such as Shanghai,Qingdao,Ningbo,etc.,based on the development of marine economy,enhance the attractiveness of the city,fully explore the historical and cultural value of Jiangsu marine,and promote the maritime culture of Jiangsu. Creative development of history and culture so that it can meet the actual development needs of Jiangsu’s marine economy,and vigorously carry out the popularization of maritime culture education for young people,help young people establish a correct view of maritime history and culture,and cultivate a sense of gain that can satisfy the current public experience of the modern maritime cultural tourism industry.

王刘波:王刘波(1983~ ),男,博士,江苏航运职业技术学院马克思主义学院形势与政策教研室主任、讲师,江苏省郑和研究会理事、南通市政协参政议政人才库成员,主要研究领域为海洋文化、航海史。
包艳杰:包艳杰(1985~ ),女,通讯作者,博士,中国人民大学社会与人口学院在站博士后,青岛农业大学人文社会科学学院讲师,主要研究领域为环境史、文化人类学。