In 2021,the scale of China’s foreign trade reached a new record high,and the trade layout,commodity structure and trade mode were all more optimized. The high-quality development of foreign trade has contributed positively to the recovery and further development of the national economy. Cross-border e-commerce trade volume continued to grow,and the digital transformation of foreign trade achieved remarkable results. Trade in services reversed the negative growth trend since the outbreak of COVID-19 and achieved positive growth in 2021,with increasing international competitiveness. China was the world’s second largest FDI inflow and fourth largest FDI outflow country,and financial investment increasing significantly in 2021. There was high-quality development in cross-border M&A activity by Chinese enterprises,with positive growth in the value of cross-border M&A transactions,but the number of M&A deals was on a downward trend. The value of new foreign contracted construction contracts in China also achieved positive growth,but the turnover of completed foreign contracted construction business remains negative in 2021.
Keywords: | Trade in ServicesForeign TradeFDI |