多元文化是马来西亚的显著特点,国家文化建构一直是马来西亚政府的重要关切。独立以来,政府颁布和实施了不同的文化建构政策,体现出不同的文化建构理念。2021年10月,马来西亚旅游、艺术与文化部颁布《2021年国家文化政策》(DAKEN 2021),在回顾《1971年国家文化政策》(DKK 1971)的基础上,提出国家文化建构的新理念,强调国家多元文化的实质并号召通过国家文化的建构来促进国家多元族群的团结。这个新政策是政府在国家文化建构问题上对国家多元文化事实的承认,也标志着政府在一定程度上摒弃了单元主义的文化建构路径,体现出一定的进步性。此外,新政策还首次提出通过国家文化建构推动文化经济发展的目标,并提出了相关具体的举措。
Multiculture is an important feature of Malaysia,and the culture building is always the focus of government. Since independence,Malaysia has released different cultural policies,which reflected different concepts of culture building. On October 2021,the government introduced National Cultural Policy 2021 to update the 1971 policy,which came up with some new concepts,highlighted the reality of multiculture,and strengthened the promoting of unity among the country’s diverse ethnic groups through culture. The new policy marked that the government abandoned the way of assimilation,and reflected a certain degree of progressiveness. On the other hand,the new policy also put forward the target of promoting economy development through culture building and gave several measures that should be taken by different departments of government.