In recent years,the fast growing Philippine tourism has played an increasingly important role in Philippine socio-economic development. In 2020,however,the tourism industry in the Philippines was severely slammed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The number of tourist and the amount of tourism income shrunk dramatically,and many tourism enterprises faced huge debt and even collapsed. Tourism employees thus became unemployed in large numbers. Under the “New Normal”,incentive policies and constraint policies coexisted on the tourism supply side in the Philippines. The “ups and downs” of the pandemic situation have led to policy swing in regards to tourism recovery,and the comprehensive recovery of Philippine tourism industry faced numerous difficulties in the short term. At present,the pandemic situation in the Philippines is still severe,but the Philippine government has always been proactive in dealing with the pandemic,seeking a balance between pandemic prevention and economic recovery. With the increased availability of COVID-19 vaccines,Philippine tourism industry,especially its domestic tourism,is expected to see a more stable recovery in the second half of 2021.