如何兼顾交易的可验证性和隐私保护,是区块链技术面临的重要挑战。由MIT Media Lab设计的zkLedger,是世界上第一个能同时保护交易隐私并提供快速审计和监管的加密公共账本系统。在zkLedger的基础上,本报告提出了一种名为zkLedger++的可审计隐私保护账本技术,对zkLedger进行了增强,可以通过较小的性能代价有效解决zkLedger面临的安全问题。zkLedger++是可供银行、证券等行业构建具有隐私保护能力且可进行外部审计的集中式或分布式账本。
How to balance the ability for verifiability and privacy protection for transactions is one of the main challenges to the blockchain technology. zkLedger,being the first ledger system which supports privacy preservation and third party auditing at the same time,was published by MIT Media Lab in NSDI’18 meeting. We proposed an enhanced version of this technology in this article,which is called zkLedger++. zkLedger++ can fix a severe security problem of zkLedger at a minor cost of performance. It can be leveraged by the banking or security industry in the construction of an auditable privacy preserving centralized or decentralized ledger.