中国省级可持续发展指标体系数据验证分析显示:4个直辖市及东部沿海省份的可持续发展排名比较靠前。北京、上海、浙江、江苏、广东、重庆、天津、山东、湖北、安徽等省市居前 10 位。北京、上海、浙江、江苏、天津等省市除了在资源环境方面不太占优势外,经济社会、环境治理等方面都走在前列。黑龙江、吉林、青海等省份排名较为靠后,可持续发展水平不高。东部地区两个直辖市北京、上海与浙江省分列前三强。中部地区湖北排名最高,该省份从2017年的第11位升至2018年的第9位。西部地区除了重庆排名第6位外,其余省份可持续发展综合排名均在前十名之外。从经济发展、社会民生、资源环境、消耗排放和环境治理五大分类指标来看,省级区域可持续发展具有明显的不均衡特征。以各地一级指标排名的最大值和最小值差的绝对值衡量不均衡程度:高度不均衡(差异值>20)的省级区域有:北京、天津、安徽、河南、海南、贵州、河北、云南、内蒙古和青海;中等不均衡(10<差异值≤20)的省级区域有:上海、浙江、江苏、广东、山东、湖北、福建、湖南、广西、江西、陕西、辽宁、山西、宁夏、甘肃、新疆、黑龙江和吉林;比较均衡(差异值≤10)的省级区域有:重庆、四川。大部分省级区域在可持续发展方面都存在短板,提高可持续发展水平的空间很大。
The data verification and analysis results for China’s provincial sustainable development index system in 2018 show that the four municipalities directly under the central government and eastern coastal provinces ranked among the top in terms of sustainable development. Beijing,Shanghai,Zhejiang,Jiangsu,Guangdong,Chongqing,Tianjin,Shandong,Hubei and Anhui ranked among the top 10 in this respect. Beijing,Shanghai,Zhejiang,Jiangsu and Tianjin ranked among the top in terms of economy,society,environmental governance,etc. except resources and environment. Heilongjiang,Jilin,Qinghai and other provinces ranked among the bottom in terms of sustainable development. Beijing and Shanghai,two municipalities directly under the central government in the east,and Zhejiang Province ranked among the top three. In the central part of China,Hubei ranked the top and rose from the 11th place in 2017 to the 9th place in 2018. Except Chongqing,which ranked 6th,the other western regions ranked beyond top 10 in terms of sustainable development competitiveness. With regard to five major classification indices including economic development,people’s wellbeing,resources and environment,consumption and emission,environmental governance,provincial regions featured obvious imbalance of sustainable development. The imbalance is measured at the absolute value of the difference between the maximum and minimum values for primary index rankings of different regions. Provincial regions with high imbalance (difference value>20) included:Beijing,Tianjin,Anhui,Henan,Hainan,Guizhou,Hebei,Yunnan,Inner Mongolia and Qinghai;those with medium imbalance (10<difference value≤20) included:Shanghai,Zhejiang,Jiangsu,Guangdong,Shandong,Hubei,Fujian,Hunan,Guangxi,Jiangxi,Shaanxi,Liaoning,Shanxi,Ningxia,Gansu,Xinjiang,Heilongjiang and Jilin;those relatively balanced ones (difference value≤10) included Chongqing and Sichuan. Most provincial regions were weak in sustainable development and had a large space for sustainable development.
Keywords: | Data AnalysisProvincial Sustainable Development Evaluation Index SystemRankings in Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable Development Balance Level |