2020年,保加利亚政坛发生较大变动:总统—总理两府相争,矛盾激化,引发全国性大规模反政府示威游行;部长级官员发生较大人事变动;临近2021年大选,执政党公民党信任度下滑,社会党支持率紧随其后。2020年保加利亚经济受全球疫情负面影响,旅游业受创严重,政府推出一系列救助措施,并对一些重要法规进行调整。外交方面,保加利亚政府重视与美国和北约在安全领域的合作;持续积极推动西巴尔干国家的欧洲一体化进程,但因语言和历史争议否决了北马其顿共和国的入盟谈判框架。2020年7月保加利亚成功进入欧洲汇率机制(ERM Ⅱ),开始两年观察期。社会文化方面,2020年保加利亚全国性的抗议示威游行不断,“第二养老金”收益骤减,失业率飙升,西部和东部出现旱情。中保关系方面,中保两国就抗击疫情展开合作,两国经贸合作在疫情的背景下仍稳步提升,文学文化方面的交流转至线上。
2020 was a year of political upheavals in Bulgaria. The dispute between the president and the prime minister became open and intensified,which triggered large-scale anti-government demonstrations. The prime minister announced multiple minister changes in his government. With general elections approaching in 2021,the confidence in the ruling party (GERB) declined,and the support rate of the Bulgarian Socialist Party followed closely. In 2020,the Bulgarian economy was negatively affected by the global pandemic,and the tourism industry suffered severely. The government launched a package of support measures and introduced important regulations for dealing with the crisis. In international relations and diplomacy,the Bulgarian government continues to attach importance to security cooperation with the United States and NATO. Bulgaria continues to be active in bringing Western Balkans in the integration process of the European Union. However,due to language and historical disputes,Bulgaria stayed opposed to the negotiating framework for the accession of the Republic of North Macedonia. A major financial step towards adopting the euro came in July 2020,as Bulgaria successfully entered the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM II) and started its two-year observation period. In the social and cultural spheres,2020 was a year of constant demonstrations and protests nationwide. Major concerns included income from the “second pension”;soaring unemployment,and droughts in the west and east regions. In terms of Sino-Bulgarian relations,the two countries were cooperating on the fight against COVID-19. Economic cooperation and trade between them has been improving despite the pandemic,and literary and cultural exchanges have moved online.