Guangzhou Nansha,have obvious regional advantages,with the gateway hub function of leading the opening to the outside world,with conditional to build a new height to lead to open up in the Whole country. There are Several Roads for constructing Nansha gateway hub and strengthening the capacity of resources allocation and cohesion:first,building an open economy “Nansha program”,through the top-level design approach to shape the model of open innovation experiment in Nansha. Second,strengthening Nansha’s growth pole function and agglomeration force from its overseas and its hinterland elements through the great leap forward development. Third,constructing the new pattern of open lead “the belt and the road” construction,through strengthening the construction of the core area of Nansha as the Guangdong Bay area,cultivating regional linkage mechanism for Guangdong,Hongkong and Macao. Fourth,enhance the business center functions through building the international procurement center and cross-border E-commerce import and export trading center. Fifth,building Nansha headquarters center. Sixth,expanding the opening of health care and education services,enhance the cohesion of human capital.