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热词推荐: 能源基础设施





The world today is undergoing major changes unprecedented in a century,and the major strategic forces are speeding up the adjustment of their international strategies to adapt to the ever-changing international environment. There have been some consensuses on their perceptions of the changing international security environment,such as a more complex security environment,a more intense strategic game,the weakening and divergence of Western power,and a more pronounced multipolar trend,among others. However,there are differences in their strategic goals and policy responses:the U.S. is committed to maintaining its global dominance,by way of alternating between multilateralism and unilateralism and using a two-pronged approach of tactical contraction and strategic offense;Russia is making use of its strategic advantages and reorienting its diplomacy,trying to continue to exercise unique influence in international affairs and maintain its strategic position as an important power;the EU,facing the challenges of power crisis,identity crisis and value crisis,tries to achieve a balance between strategic autonomy and maintenance of Atlantic relations,so as to participate in global governance as a significant international force.

陈积敏:陈积敏 中共中央党校(国家行政学院)国际战略研究院世界思潮研究所副所长、教授,主要研究方向:美国国家安全战略、美国外交与中美关系、国际移民。
冯振男:冯振男 中共中央党校(国家行政学院)硕士研究生。