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热词推荐: 能源基础设施


  • 作者:李庆新出版日期:2017年06月
  • 报告页数:46 页
  • 报告字数:38621 字所属丛书:
  • 所属图书:海洋史研究(第十辑)
  • 浏览人数:0    下载次数:1


海南兄弟公信仰是海南渔民商众的海洋信仰,起源于明代,随着海南人向海外播迁,流传到东南亚地区;兄弟公(昭应公)信仰已经成为一种有一定国际色彩的海南人拥有的民间海神信仰。20世纪20年代,广东省民政厅曾派员参与西沙群岛的调查,取得了一些“砖瓦盖成的”小庙的资料,作为西沙为我国固有领土归属的证据,但没有具体涉及兄弟公信仰遗迹。[1]20世纪70年代初,广东省博物馆、海南行政区文化局在西沙群岛进行两次文物调查,发现各处岛屿都有古庙遗存,包括兄弟公庙、孤魂庙,始有学者对这些小庙做了专门的介绍。[2]1974年文物出版社出版广东省博物馆编《西沙文物》,该书简要介绍了渔民在西沙群岛建筑的珊瑚石小庙,所附5幅小庙照片十分珍贵。[3]1990年代以后,韩振华、李金明先生在探讨西沙、南沙群岛娘娘庙和珊瑚石小庙时,涉及兄弟公庙及孤魂庙。[4]法国学者Claudine Salmon(苏尔梦)教授多年从事东南亚华人历史研究,对海南本岛


There are all sorts of group who make a living on the sea in the Hainan Island. During the Ming and Qing dynasties,the persons who lived on the sea expressed the fear to the ocean in the forms of sacrificing the wandering souls and malicious spirit on the sea. Later,the above forms mixed into the Obon ceremony of Pudu the ghosts without sacrifice of Buddhism and Taoism,at the same time,under the influence of the chivalry novels of Ming and Qing dynasties,they absorbed the legend of the deification of Hainan merchants in the wrecked ship which occurred in the Vietnam,which brought about the combination of the sacrifice of Mount,Water and the wandering souls and the cult of 108 Brothers and evolved into the worship of 108 Brothers which differed from the one in the land society. This worship of 108 Brothers became popular in the maritime persons in the Hainan Island and the South China Sea Islands,and lots of temple of Brothers or Wandering Souls were built. As Hainanese went overseas,the worship of 108 Brothers were spread to Southeast Asia and became the maritime belief with the international color,which took a place in the maritime belief and cultural exchange history in the southeast coastal region of China and Southeast Asia.

The main body of 108 Brothers in the Hainan Island is fisherman,partly including the maritime merchants. Its belief function emphasizes the fishery and takes into account the fish commerce. It could be positioned as a local sea god with the function of protecting the navigation and the true quality of outlaw hero. The Hainan expatriate community adores the gods of homeland mostly based on the demands for maintaining the fellow friendship,pursuing profits and making a living,seeking development and ensuring the safety. 108 Brothers plays a role of local patron saint and mostly belongs to the land god with the maritime character as the function of sea patron saint and the color of chivalrous hero fade away. Comparing to the Chinese gods having advantages of safety-in-numbers such as Guandi,Guanyin,Heavenly Queen(Ma Zu)and Shuiwei Shengniang,the worship of 108 Brothers belongs to the belief in the minority of Hainanese and mostly play a minor role in the belief of Hainan expatriate community. Its influence and spreading space is far inferior to the former.
