As the global strategic focus is gradually shifting eastward,and the the United States has launched its Indo-Pacific strategy,France also published,in May 2019,an official report entitled “French Indo-Pacific Defense Strategy”. The report comprehensively discussed the security situation in the Indo-Pacific region,presented France’s Indo-Pacific defense strategy and enumerated measures that France will take in this region. France launched the Indo-Pacific defense strategy to highlight its presence in the new geo-strategy of the Indo-Pacific region,enhancing its own voice and acting as a pioneer in European countries’ intervention in the Indo-Pacific area. France also wants to create a multi-level strategic partnership network,sell its weaponries,safeguard its interests in the Indo-Pacific,and reshape its status as a global power. However,as France’s strategic focus is still in Europe,and France has limited national power,especially limited military projecting power,there are still many difficulties for France to achieve effectively the goals set out in the report.