Due to China’s natural gas development will face the dual benefits of carbon neutrality and marketization,it is expected that China’s natural gas market will maintain rapid development before 2035,so as to achieve the goal of clean energy development. To peak carbon emissions by 2030,natural gas and non-fossil energy markets will advance side by side and make joint efforts to reduce carbon emissions. With the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2060,China’s natural gas consumption is expected to remain stable,but natural gas and non-fossil energy may form a multi-energy complementary relationship for a long time. CEthinktank estimated that the share of natural gas in the primary energy mix will reach 11.5% by 2025,14% by 2030,and 15% by 2035. Chinese government will continue to promote the “coal-to-gas” and “oil-to-gas” switching programs in many fields for a long time in the future. This will continue to provide favorable conditions for China’s natural gas imports,production and infrastructure construction.