The concept of “Industry 4.0” was born in Germany,which has quickly attracted attention from some important European political actors. “Industry 4.0”belongs in essence to the research area within the innovation policy,which at the same time bears a strong interdisciplinary character and covers a large number of policy areas,the competence over which is distributed at different levels. The European innovation policy concerning “Industry 4.0”operates in the context of multi-level governance between the objectives of competition,coherence and cohesion. A large number of current innovation policy initiatives can be located at either the European or national level. However,it is clear that there is still a lack of coordination between different levels. Apart from the large number of Commissioners at the European level as well as numerous ministries at the Member State level,a variety of non-state actors are in addition engaged in innovation policies. The horizontal and vertical coordination of innovation policies in the framework of “Industry 4.0”is therefore of great significance. In addition to technical issues such as data protection,data security and data availability,the problems such as work organization,qualification certification and development of new service models and business models have yet to be resolved.