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热词推荐: 能源基础设施


  • 作者:杨琳 〔意〕希维亚·梅内加齐 〔意〕斯特凡诺·弗兰克 〔意〕安东尼奥·克鲁皮 〔意〕博马克 〔意〕乐小悦 曹熙铭 罗红波 阎国栋 〔意〕拉斐尔·马切蒂 〔意〕阿尔贝托·迪·米宁出版日期:2021年08月
  • 报告页数:17 页
  • 报告字数:18844 字所属丛书:意大利蓝皮书
  • 所属图书:意大利发展报告(2020~2021)
  • 浏览人数:0    下载次数:3




This article provides a review of the cooperation between China and Italy in the civil aviation sector and the tourism sector. While focusing on the rapid development of cooperation after the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative,the article also conducts a longitudinal historical study and a horizontal comparative study on the role of China-Italy civil aviation cooperation in the development of tourism between the two countries. In the context of the Belt and Road Initiative,the “China-Italy Action Plan for Strengthening Economic Cooperation” and the “Joint Communiqué of the Joint Meetings of the China-Italy Government Committee” have repeatedly emphasized the importance of the cooperation in civil aviation sector. Moreover,China,Europe and Italy have signed several agreements to expand civil aviation cooperation,and China and Italy have launched several new direct flight routes. From 2013 to 2019,the tourism sectors of both countries have experienced rapid growth,and Italian visits to China and Chinese visits to Italy have grown tremendously,which could be largely due to the strengthening of bilateral cooperation in civil aviation. This article also focuses on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the civil aviation sector and the tourism sector on an international level in 2020. The authors analyze the challenges and opportunities faced by these two sectors which are also important pillars of the international service trade. The article also looks into the prospect of the cooperation in civil aviation and the tourism sectors between the two countries with taking “China-Italy Year of Culture and Tourism 2022” as an opportunity.

〔意〕希维亚·梅内加齐:〔意〕希维亚·梅内加齐(Silvia Menegazzi),意大利路易斯大学政治学系兼职教授。
〔意〕斯特凡诺·弗兰克:〔意〕斯特凡诺·弗兰克(Stefano Franco),意大利路易斯大学商业与管理系讲师。
〔意〕安东尼奥·克鲁皮:〔意〕安东尼奥·克鲁皮(Antonio Crupi),意大利比萨圣安娜大学管理学院博士后、助理研究员。
〔意〕博马克:〔意〕博马克(Marco Bonaglia),重庆大学经济与工商管理学院博士生。
〔意〕乐小悦:〔意〕乐小悦(Letizia Vallini),南开大学外国语学院外教。
〔意〕拉斐尔·马切蒂:〔意〕拉斐尔·马切蒂(Raffaele Marchetti),意大利路易斯大学副校长、教授。
〔意〕阿尔贝托·迪·米宁:〔意〕阿尔贝托·迪·米宁(Alberto Di Minin),比萨圣安娜大学管理学院教授,比萨孔子学院意方院长,重庆大学伽利略中心主任。