2020年尼日利亚作为严重依赖石油行业发展的经济体,遭到了全球新冠肺炎疫情和油价暴跌的双重打击,2016年经济危机后缓慢复苏的经济再次陷入泥潭,为摆脱石油依赖而提出的经济多元化愿景也受到严重冲击。经济层面上,石油和非石油行业的整体衰退造成通货膨胀、金融体系风险加剧和侨汇大幅减少。社会领域面临医疗体系脆弱、贫困加剧以及失业率攀升等问题,最终爆发了以“End SARS”运动为代表的社会冲突。然而,在危机中,尼日利亚政府并未放弃多元化政策导向,采取了一系列大胆措施,希冀在疫情和国际环境有所缓解的情况下快速恢复和实现经济结构转型。
Nigeria,a country heavily dependent on oil industry,was severely hit by a twin-shock of COVID-19 pandemic and plunging global oil price in 2020. This has made the economic recovery after the 2016 crisis even more challenging,while the economic diversification,which was designed to get rid of its mono-economy,was also tremendously destabilized. Both oil and non-oil industries were in full recession,and consequently,inflation,systematic crisis of financial system,as well as remittance decrease have led the society to a more fragile status. A new wave of social movement signaled by the End SARS protests was lit up due to the deteriorating poverty and higher unemployment rate. However,Nigeria has taken several bold reforms in 2020 to ensure that economic diversification would be a solid long-term goal for this country.