2016年是对自由党政府的第一个考验年。以走向“真正的变革”(Real Change)为口号上台的小特鲁多,在这一年里实施了全方位调整。总体来说,上台一年多以来,小特鲁多获得了超长的政治“蜜月期”。之后,由于各种“大事”的冲击,民众对于联邦政府、自由党以及总理小特鲁多本人的支持率都有所下降,但小特鲁多和自由党政府的支持率总体上依然较高。在此背景下,最大反对党保守党2017年的党首选举格外引人注意。哈珀辞去党首一职后,保守党内先后出现了十几位类型各异的候选人,竞争激烈。最后安德鲁·希尔胜出,成为小特鲁多的新对手。同时,其他无力竞争国会大选的政党开始寻求诸如联合政府的模式,争取在地方治理上有更多的话语权。
2016 was proved to be a grim test for the Canadian liberal government in its campaign for “real change”,which involves full-scale policy adjustments at the cost and risk of the Justin Trudeau and his administration.Generally speaking,Justin Trudeau's first year in office began with a especially long “honeymoon period”,during which the public remained generally supportive of the new government despite a series of major incidents that impairs the popularity of the federal government,the Liberal Party,and Justin Trudeau himself.Meanwhile,with Steven Harper resigning from office and the Conservative Party becoming the Official Opposition,the 2017 Conservative leadership election has captured a great deal of attention.Andrew Scheer emerged from a dozen candidates as Justin Trudeau's new opponent.At the same time,smaller parties unable to compete in the parliamentary elections were also seeking to expand their regional influence by setting up establishing coalition governments and other means.