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热词推荐: 能源基础设施



在“一带一路”建设不断深入推进的过程中,作为中国政治中心的北京在国际事务和国家战略中发挥着重要的作用,北京城市形象的对外传播也是推动国家战略、塑造国家整体形象、实现民心相通的重要抓手。沙特阿拉伯作为中东产油大国与世界重要国家之一,在阿拉伯国家和世界都具有不可忽视的国际地位,沙特对于推动中国“一带一路”倡议实施,优化阿拉伯世界对华舆论环境,维护中国能源安全起着重要的作用。沙特主流媒体对北京等中国核心城市的信息报道和形象展示则会影响中国对沙乃至对阿形象构建、话语权建设以及公共外交模式选择等方面的战略走向。本文则以沙特最主要的纸媒之一《利雅得报》(Al Riyadh)为研究案例,尝试分析沙特主流媒体对北京城市形象的认知与构建,并为中国对沙城市外交、城市及国家形象构建提出建设性意见。


In the process of continuously deepening the National Initiative of the“Belt and Road”,Beijing,the political center of our country,plays an important role in international affairs and national strategies.The external communication of Beijing's urban image is also a national strategy,shaping the country's overall image and realizing it.An important grasp of common people.Saudi Arabia,as a major oil-producing country in the Middle East and one of the world's most important countries,has an international status that cannot be ignored in both Arab countries and the world.Saudi Arabia promotes the implementation of the“One Belt and One Road”Initiative,optimizes the Arab world public opinion environment in China,and safeguards China's energy security.It plays an important role.The information and image display of Saudi mainstream media on Beijing and other core cities in our country influences the strategic direction of China's image construction,discourse right construction,and public diplomacy model selection.

This article takes the case of(Al Riyadh),one of the main paper media of Saudi Arabia,as a case study,trying to analyze the Saudi mainstream media's perception and construction of Beijing's urban image,and trying to build China's diplomatic,urban and national image towards Saudi Arabia and make some constructive suggestions.
