New psychoactive substances,including synthetic opioids,synthetic cannabinoids and synthetic cathinones,continue to be associated with deaths and acute intoxications in Europe and,despite a range of new measures introduced in this area,continue to represent a challenge to current drug policy models. Although playing a small role in Europe’s drug market,new opioids pose a serious threat to individual and public health. Of particular concern are fentanyl derivatives,which make up the majority of new opioids reported to the EMCDDA. These substances can be particularly potent,with minute quantities capable of causing life-threatening poisoning from rapid and severe respiratory depression. Reported overdose cases include people who believed they were buying heroin,other illicit drugs or pain medicines. In addition to the acute risks of overdose,where the use of naloxone may be indicated,fentanyl derivatives are also reported to have high abuse liabilities and dependence-producing potential.