“Global Order” is currently facing serious difficulties in terms of the “international system” as a whole and is being affected by the rising power ofChina,including the evolving relationship between China and the United States.Even though,it should be possible to renew the international system and the benefits it provides with adjustments that reflect new global realities,especially shifting power relationships in the world.The U.S.and China are not “destined for war.” The great question of our age may well be whether the United States and China can co-exist peacefully as great powers,neither seeking to dominate the other.The answer will depend on the tenacious will and sustained wisdom of human beings-not just our political leaders,but including scholars and thinkers such as those contributing to this journal.It is the responsibility of all of us to confront the present difficulties and find a path forward that creates as much shared peace,prosperity and human flourishing as possible.
Keywords: | ChinaInternational SystemGlobal OrderUS |