洛杉矶于2019年出台了“洛杉矶的绿色新政”(L.A.’s Green New Deal),即洛杉矶可持续城市规划。该规划为了顺应国际形势,加快落实洛杉矶温室气体减排计划,提出了面向不同阶段的总体目标和分领域具体目标,致力于将洛杉矶打造为促进城市可持续发展的引领者。可持续发展涉及领域包括可再生能源、水资源、绿色建筑、住房和发展、交通、车辆零排放、工业排放和空气质量监测、废物及资源回收、食物系统、城市生态系统和恢复力、环境正义、繁荣与绿色就业、政府以身作则等。该规划特色鲜明,重视环境、经济、社会公平三个方面的协调发展,支撑城市总体的可持续发展。规划内容重点突出,逻辑清晰,重视量化分析、引导和管控,具有较强的可操作性。总体来说,洛杉矶该可持续城市规划的理念、思路与策略对于中国城市的可持续发展具有较强的借鉴意义。
Los Angeles launched LA’s Green New Deal,a sustainable city plan in 2019. In order to respond to the international situation and accelerate the greenhouse gas emission reduction plan of Los Angeles,the plan puts forward the overall goals and specific targets in different stages and areas,aiming to make Los Angeles a leader of urban sustainable development. This sustainable city plan covered 13 areas such as environmental justice,renewable energy,local water,clean & healthy buildings,housing & development,mobility & public transit,zero emission vehicles,industrial emissions & air quality monitoring,waste & resource recovery,food systems,urban ecosystems & resilience,prosperity & green Jobs,lead by example. The plan focused on the coordinated development of environment,economy and social equity to support the overall sustainable development of the city. In general,the sustainable city plan of Los Angeles has referenced value for the sustainable development of Chinese cities.