大伦敦政府于2018年12月出台了《文化发展战略》,主题为“面向全民的文化”(Culture for All Londoners)。该主题反映了伦敦市长关于文化发展的核心理念。该战略勾画了一个让伦敦保持全球文化之都地位,并且让文化资源在城市各个角落触手可及的蓝图。该战略提出四大核心愿景,包括:“热爱伦敦”,让更多的人在家门口可以享受或者创造文化;“文化和物质增长”,提供集约型与可持续性的文化场所;“具有创造力的伦敦人”,为未来投资多样化的创意工作空间;“全球城市”,保持伦敦作为全球创意动力源泉之地位。该战略的理念与实施可给北京、上海等一些致力于建设文化大都市的中国城市提供借鉴。
Greater London Authority issued the culture strategy in December 2018 with the Mayor’s landmark strategy of ‘Culture for all Londoners’. The Strategy has four priorities:Love London-more people experiencing and creating culture on their doorstep;Culture and Good Growth-supporting,saving and sustaining cultural places;Creative Londoners-investing in a diverse creative workforce for the future;World City-a global creative powerhouse today and in the future. This strategy can be used as a reference for the development of culture in China’s global cities such as Beijing and Shanghai.
Keywords: | Creative IndustriesCultureLondon |