Accelerating the development of service trade has become an important sticking point for China to build a great trading nation and achieve high-quality economic development.The free trade zone can bring new opportunities for the development of service trade through progressive policies,high-level openness and favorable business environment.Despite the establishment of the free trade zone,Hainan's international competitiveness in service trade is relatively weak.The reasons for the service trade problem in Hainan are poor policy system,weak industrial foundation,terrible business environment,lack of brand advantage and insufficient R&D investment.In view of this,the policy focus of Hainan's service trade to enhance international competitiveness includes innovating negative list management system,innovating the system of facilitation,liberalization and legalization in services trade,innovating tax policy system,optimizing the structure of service trade,promoting the digital transformation of services trade and accelerating the mode of introducing innovative talents.
Keywords: | Business EnvironmentInternational CompetitivenessService TradeInternational EconomyThe Free Trade Zone |