In the mid to late 19th century,Chinese medicine followed Chinese workers to Peru,and developed tortuously under anti-Chinese discourse.In 1868,yellow fever broke out in Peru.Traditional Chinese medicine provided effective treatment options for the patients and this message was spread widely.As a result,the image of the Chinese was improved,which made it possible for the Chinese to be accepted by Peruvian society.However,due to deep-rooted racial discrimination and complicated practical interests,Chinese medicine suffered a completely opposite fate afterwards when the epidemic swept Peru in 1903-1930.Traditional Chinese medicine image is distorted and regarded as a threat by Peruvians.This diametrically opposed experience is closely related to Peru's progressively radical anti-Chinese discourse,which eventually led to suppression of Chinese medicine and negatively affected the construction of the Chinese image.Traditional Chinese medicine keeps more of the characteristics of Chinese culture,and can facilitate the Chinese integration into local community in a specific period.However,there is no close causal relationship between image improvement and the integration.This also explains the completely different experiences of Chinese medicine before and after,and reflects the difficult integration process of Chinese immigrants into Peruvian society.