This paper analyzes the causes for the disappearance of Siberian tigers,the possibility of population recovery in the future,and ecological issues regarding the absence or introduction of such tigers using data about changes in forests,human population and animal abundance,land utilization,and the history of hunting in this area.Some research results show that the disappearance of populations of Siberian tigers from within the Changbaishan Nature Reserve (CNR)was mainly caused by human beings’ economic activities and excessive poaching of wildlife,which result in a sharp decrease in the habitats of felines such as Siberian tigers and a severe shortage of their food resources.Today,this area still has forests large enough for Siberian tigers to live in,making it possible to recover or introduce populations of such tigers.To this end,it may be necessary to set larger protected forest zones including some outside the CNR.Their effectiveness requires support and engagement by local governments,state-owned and private enterprises as well as the general public.This paper also analyzes major issues facing the CNR and provides recommendations on how to manage it.
Keywords: | Changbaishan Nature ReserveChanges in the Number of Siberian TigersMechanism Under Which a Species Becomes EndangeredPossibility of Recovery |