The Macau Special Administrative Region launched public consultation on the Civil Defence Bases Bill. While the community has agreed the urgency of the Bill,it also has expressed deep concern to the Bill due to its relations to the dissemination of news and information,personal and institutional rights and obligations. Objections were made in proposals to make false alarms a criminal offence,emphasis on the social responsibility of mass media,etc. The authorities decided to maintain the former and delete the latter after consultation. The entire consultation process reflects deep-seated social problems,such as the need for the Special Administrative Region government to enhance its governance capacity and legislative quality,and unsatisfactory consultation outcome as a result of the contrast in attitudes and responses to the suggestions of the Bill between the community at large and mainstream associations. The government needs to further enhance its own governance capacity,public supervision and transparency in order to improve its credibility.
Keywords: | Government CredibilityCivil Defence Bases BillFalse Alarm As Criminal OffenceSocial Responsibility of Mass Media |