Establishing a clean government as well as combating corruption and promoting anti-corruption are equally important to governing capacity of a given state,therefore,good governance and construction of clean government are mutually inclusive. Starting from the exploration period to the present mature stage,the building of anti-corruption and ombudsman in Macao have recorded a lot of achievements as well,and earned the citizens’ recognition. Combating corruption related to civil servants,the functions of Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) of Macao could concentrate its power on part of the areas since its was established in December 1999,and now it is empowered to investigate crimes happened in both public and private sectors. The enlargement of manpower and enhancement of legal apparatus,the visible hands of anti-corruption of CCAC can stretch to the entire community. More successful achievements the CCAC can seek for are to win the domestic and international recognitions. The deteriorating CPI of Macao issued by the Transparency International in late 2010 alarmed the achievements of anti-corruption of Macao revealing that more jobs have to be done.