After the liberalization of the Macau gaming industry and the introduction of the Individual Visit Scheme,Macau's economy has been developing rapidly.However,Macau's development capital, for instance transportation and border control system,and resources such as human resources and space,have also reached their limits.As a result,the Macau Government and the Central Government are eager to seek a new growth point for economic development,like the development of a World Center of Tourism and Leisure,as well as,the Trading Cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries,and social needs,like housing and transportation.Urban Planning of Cotai,including Taipa and Coloane,and New Land Reclamation Projects are very important for Macau's development and regional collaboration,including the development of Hengqin Island.Apart from urban planning and infrastructure development,development of human resources,including the education system,and the cross-boundary infrastructure coordination are also the keys to success for the Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Cooperation.