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热词推荐: 能源基础设施



明清时期中国沿海地区一些从事海洋活动的民众,或对海洋活动感兴趣而有所体验、有所见闻的人士,编制一些简单而实用的航海指南性质的文本,记录海上航行的方向、道里、风候、海流、潮汐、水道、沙线、沉礁、泥底、海底、海水深浅、祭祀等等内容,时人称之为《针谱》《罗经针簿》《更路簿》《水路簿》等,虽名目篇幅有异,内容功用则大致相同。此类起源于民间、流行于民间的涉海文书,适用于特定人群,或靠耳口相传,或凭抄本传世,往往不为主流社会所关注重视,难见于经传,不为官家文库所认同收藏,坊间印本、手抄秘本主要靠民间收藏传世。流落至海外、收藏于英国牛津大学鲍德林图书馆(Bodleian Library)的《顺风相送》与《指南正法》,即属此类民间文书,20世纪50年代末经向达先生整理,以《两种海道针经》之名出版,始为学界所知见。[1]70~80年代,韩振华、刘南威、何纪生等先生在海南地区渔民手上收集到一批世代相传的《更路簿》(《水路簿》),并进行


During the Ming and Qing Dynasties,folk texts that spread along the coastal areas of China,such as the Marine Zhenlu(航海针路)and the Genglubu of South China Sea(南海更路簿),recorded maritime knowledge,navigation activities,maritime beliefs and other aspects of historical memory of those people related to the sea.It can be seen that the coastal areas have a rich history of maritime worship,and there are many types of sea gods.People hold various sacrificial ceremonies to pray for the sea gods' blessing on important matters such as constructing ships,fishing,overseas trading,returning home safely,repairing ships,and so on.Certain sea areas,such as the Black Ditch between East China Sea and Ryukyu(东海琉球黑水沟),the Qizhou Sea in the South China Sea(南海七洲洋),the Jiaozhi Sea(交趾洋),the Kunlun Sea(昆仑洋),and even the gulf of Siam and the Indonesian islands are all important places for fishermen and merchants to sacrifice to the sea gods during their voyages.Historical materials show that Mazu(Tianhou),the Earth God(Tudigong)and other deities occupy an important position in maritime beliefs and they are widely worshiped.At the same time,there are also a variety of other sea gods in many places that are worth our attention.Rooted in the coastal rural society and among the sea-related people,maritime beliefs share strong grass-roots,hereditary,and marine characteristics.Marine vernacular texts,such as Marine Zhenlu(航海针路)and Genglubu of South China Sea(南海更路簿),which are popular in folk culture,have been passed on by word of mouth or by written transcripts.Because they are parts of the folk tradition,they are often ignored by mainstream society and are hard to find in the classics.However,they have a very important historical and cultural value,and a practical significance for the preservation of marine historical and cultural memories;they are important historical writings in coastal areas and are significant factors for the inheritance and development of traditional marine culture.
