新年伊始,博索纳罗正式宣誓就任巴西总统。博索纳罗政府在经济和社会政策上,分别以改革和调整为其执政初期的工作重点。在经济政策方面,新政府经济团队将推动养老金改革、国有企业私有化和税制改革等计划。在社会政策方面,新政府一方面对社会补助计划,如家庭补助金计划(Bolsa Família)、基础教育发展和维护基金(Fundeb)等做出调整,另一方面适度收紧钱袋子,削减社会民生项目的公共支出。不论是养老金改革、国有企业私有化还是税制改革,均牵涉广泛、内容庞杂,新政府能否顺利推动以上改革计划以及改革效果如何还有待观察。
At the beginning of the new year,Bolsonaro was officially sworn in as the president of Brazil. The Bolsonaro government has made reforms and adjustments in its economic and social policies as the focus of its work in the early days of its administration. In terms of economic policy,the new government economic team will promote plans for pension reform,state-owned enterprise privatization and tax reform. In terms of social policy,the new government will make adjustments to social assistance programs,such as the Bolsa Família,the Fundamental Education Development and Maintenance Fund(Fundeb),and will also moderately tighten the money bag,cut public spending on social livelihood projects. Whether it is pension reform,state-owned enterprise privatization or tax reform,it is involved in a wide range of content,and it is still unclear whether the new government can smoothly promote the above reform plan. The expected effect of the reform is still unknown.